Babies Classes

Babies may be pre-verbal and pre-mobile, but they’re not pre-musical! A specially designed one-semester introduction to Music Together for our youngest music-makers. Musical activities such as finger play, lap songs, and songs without words are emphasized though we learn songs with words too. The music activities and materials are specially designed for parents who want to learn as much as possible about music development in infants. Meet other parents of newborns and learn fascinating music activities you can recreate at home with your baby. Babies must be under eight months old on the first day of class. Most babies in this program range from 2-7 months at the start of the semester. We recommend infants older than eight months register for mixed-age classes.

Babies are always welcome in any mixed-age class if the schedule of the Babies class doesn’t work for you.

Mom and a baby enjoying Tam Tam's Babies music class.


Why should I bring my baby to a music class?

So many processes are happening simultaneously as you sing and dance with your  baby! At least eight areas of your baby’s brain are activated at once, laying the groundwork for life-long learning. Learn more about how music shapes development, along with activities to try with your little ones.

What age are the infants in a babies class?

Infants range from only a few weeks old to several months in this program! Babies will range anywhere from 2-7 months at the start of the semester. We recommend infants older than eight months register for mixed-age classes. The babies are non-mobile for the majority of the semester. If your baby is crawling before the start of the semester you may want to consider a mixed-age class. Feel free to contact the office to discuss: (718) 809-4542.

My baby is around 7 months. Should I take a babies class or a mixed age class? What’s the difference?

The Babies class is structured in much the same way as a mixed-age class. In both classes your teacher will lead you through a variety of activities, facilitating fun and creative ways for you to interact musically with your baby. The main difference lies in parent education. Because the infants are non-mobile, there is a calmer energy in the Babies class which allows the teacher more opportunities to explain the ‘whys’ behind the ‘whats’ and to point out emerging musical behaviors.

At what age should I start class with my baby?

Now! Babies learn music the same way they learn language; by being immersed in it. Just as it is never too early to start talking to your baby, it is never too early to start singing with your baby.