Screen Time?

We know screen time isn’t generally recommended for this age group, but here’s the difference: YOU! When children stare at a screen and passively receive information, they don’t take it in and they don’t learn from it the same way as when they have the active participation of a caregiver or parent.

In Tam Tam’s online classes just like in our regular classes, you’re still the most important part. Your teacher will be on the screen, you might see their classmates on the screen, but it is truly the interaction of the parent/caregiver with the child that is going to continue your child’s music development, along with giving you lots of fun activities and ideas to do at home!

We hope that you will check out our website and enroll for our Spring 2020 online classes, while we are all confined to our homes: your family can join Tam Tam’s beloved teachers every morning and some afternoons for a highly interactive 20-25 minute class, and you are welcome to turn off the screen completely and just follow the voice prompts. The most important point is that this spring, you have a chance to start every day by singing and dancing with your children! 🙂